A new century on two continents for my offspring! My dear wife, now remarried, living in the parish of Angelstad in the little house previously shown, was richly blessed in the year of 1903. You see, our son Oscar came back from America at Christmas time to stay with her for half a year. She must have thought that she would never see him again, so you might understand why I call it a year of grace.
Since our last summary I have been richly blessed with grandkids! Just a pity not too be able to hug them, but I look down from above and enjoy seeing their doings. I think I have 37 by now! My daughter Emma's son Karl Wilhelm is up here with me as he could not stay on earth more than 13 years. Belive it or not, I have also seen my first great grandkids! Six by now! So this will take time! I start with my oldest son and his kids and grandkids.
Göran's son #1 Oscar with family (The Oscarson's)
Oscar and his Lina had all their kids while staying in Sweden so I have told you already about the seven sweethearts of that family. But I have other news:
Oscar's oldest boy, Göran Algot who is now called John in his new country has married! The picture above is from his marriage in 10th June 1899. He was only 16 when he arrived to America, working as a carpenter in Indiana for three years before he moved to White Rock in South Dakota. In 1886 he started working in F W Johnson's firm where he sold lumber and farming machinery and purchased grain. He was a successful farmer in Monson Township and prospered through good management according to this site where you can read about Garon J Oscarson:
He married Emma Erickson from Uppland in Sweden and by now they have two kids. They are called Gerhard, born 27th April 1900 and Elvira, called Vera, born 5th April 1901.Look at them below!

Goran, or John, was also interested in educational matters and served as a member of the school board according to the site above from Compendium of History and Biography of Central and Northern Minnesota. In 1902 he was elected township constable! I am a proud grandfather! More to come next time about Oscar's kids.
Heavenly greetings from Göran.
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