Göran's son #1 Oscar with family (The Oscarson's)
Hope you enjoy spring! Up here in heaven we have the best of weathers. Last time I told you that I had counted to 37 grandkids and six great grandkids, today I will add another four to the last record. The one responsible is Salomon Edward Oscarson, called Ed in his new homeland America. He had earned his own living since he was 11 according to the Compendium of History and Biography of Central and Northern Minnesota, p 655. Check up on all his doings at this address http://www.usgennet.org/usa/mn/county/wilkin/bios/1904-o.htm#30
During the trip from Sweden he had been responsible for his mother and five younger sisters as his father and older brother left earlier. He had attended school for eight years in Sweden and continued when arriving with three month's of training in order to learn the new language. He first worked as a milk delivery boy in Chicago and then decided to head for his uncle's farm in South Dakota, hoping to be a farm hand there. Due to a hail storm nothing was left to harvest and soon he found himself a new job at the F W Johnson store (Views of the present, visions of the past, Olson, 1984).
The year of 1893 he joined the congregation of Augustana Church in White Rock, Robert County, South Dakota, America. My secretary has been there and took this picture of the building 2006:

In 1896, when the community was developing as a grain shipping centre, the need for a bank was evident. Ed was now the head clerk in the store and together with two partners he was granted to open a bank in a new building next to F W Johnson's Hardware (Olson, 1984, p 55).The following year he became a partner in the firm and asked the owner for his daughter's hand! So I believe that was a year of grace to start with! A little later the firm was called S E Oscarson Company and was the largest in that region carrying a complete line of general merchandise. My secretary would like to show you the pictures given her by the author of the first book mention, Randy M Olson and has written to ask his permission. Ed was also the vice president of the First National Bank and the secretary of the Canadian Investment Company (Compendium of History and Biography of Central and Northern Minnesota, page 655).
This is what it looked like in the Augustana Church the 15th May 1897 when Ed had his Ellen in marriage, se below.

Another child was born to the family 15th August 1899 and his name was Roger Oswald Oscarson.
In 1901, 19th April, another son entered and was given the name Philip Evan Oscarson.
Sadly for the family a fourth little boy could not stay with them, but came quite quickly up here to my places in heaven. His name was Clay Ture Oscarson, born 19th May 1903 and dead the same year in August, 22nd. They were all baptized in the Augustana Church of White Rock, South Dakota. Their father payed for a stained glass window in the church which can be read on the dedication.
In the beginning of the century the town White Rock had more than doubled in size and leading the business was Ed. He had plans for a new larger building for his store with yellow brick walls. He also went to Canada to invest in buildings there. In 1902 something extraordinary happened - a robbery in Oscarson's store, detailed described to my secretary by a man descending from the Marshall in town. Haven't seen those guys up here actually. They were found in a grove of trees where they were hiding with jewelry, guns and money (and stamps!).
There is more to tell about this family but those of you interested have to be patient. I have promised you the story up to the year of 1903 and that is where we have landed just now. More great, great, grandkids to come and more business to be done for Salomon Ed!
Finally, the very handwriting of this man, my grown-up grandkid:
I am always on vacation up here but my secretary is due for one in a couple of days, so it might take a week or so before we can co-operate again.
Until then, take care, enjoy life and let me hear from you . Just use the e-mail address shown at the top! Fantastic, isn't it?
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