Believe it or not, someone special has dared to use the address here to the left to write a message to me up in heaven! Just imagine what openings that behaviour will be the first example of. Writing to heaven, what a possibility! I am sorry to say we have less possibilities to reply in person, but comments will be given to any future correspondence through the telepathy with my secretary. And, I must tell you that my fellows here in these heavenly places are a bit envious even though that quality is not appreciated up here, getting that mail with beautiful words. Thank you!
Göran's son #1 Oscar with family (The Oscarson's)

The young lady on the photo is Ester Susanna Göransdotter, called Ester Goranson in USA, leaving Sweden when she was six years old. On the picture to the left you can see her on a photo taken around 1900 when she was 17. She was later to become a hat modiste - she has got a flair of good style already I think.
Below the signature of her little sister Ruth Henrietta Göransdotter, called Ruth Goranson, being only three years old leaving Sweden

In June 1904 my son Oscar returned to his family in White Rock, South Dakota, USA bringing a lot of young people with him to their new homeland. It was among others my daughter Emma's son David, 16 years old and my daughter Anna's oldest daughter Karin, called Carrie, 20 years old.
Oscar never again saw his mother in life as my beloved Katrina passed away 19th May 1905. She was then living in Bolmstad belonging to the parish of Angelstad. My secretary has tried to find a marker on the cemetary but there is none. Katrina was 80 years old when she left for heaven. My successor, her second husband, the shoemaker Carl Isac, probably lived a few more years; we are not too close up here so I have not bothered to check it up actually.
Enjoy your life, follow an experienced man's advice!
With love, Göran Danielsson.
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