Dear grandchildren and others,
Love is in the air today! You know, it is spring and we had the same feelings as you have, both in sorrow which I wrote about in my last blog and in love! Today is the day to tell you about Katrina Petersdotter, my beloved wife.
Katrina, the daughter of Peter, was born in in the parish of Kånna, next to the parish of Ljungby, both in the province of Kronoberg. She first saw the light of day in a cottage that was set aside from the larger farm house. This was 1825 and the location was a little farm called Kvänjarp's. My father and mother-in-law had six children, Katrina was the seventh.
How we met is a little secret, I'm afraid. But in the church books it is open for everybody to read how we confirmed our relationship the church of Kånna, built in the 12th centuary. We lived happily for 25 years until I died in 1870. 1868 and 1869 were dreadful year for harvesting. The crop failures caused much starvation and made people beggars. According to the church records I died of Bright's, a kidney disease.

And then in 1870, Katrina was left alone with our children, the youngest Maria, only being six years old. After five years Katrina remarried which I think I blessed. At the end of her life, ending in 1905 when she was 79, she lived in the parish of Angelstad, in Bolmstad Änganäs and Drängagård.
Friendly greetings from above,
Göran Danielsson.
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