In 1857 the church of Ljungby was ready, in the reign of Oscar I. This picture is taken 150 years later. The baptismal font is still there, since the 14th century. Must be the same we used for our kids. The inscription on the side of it says "Christ has scattered the power of evil and takes man out of it with the help of baptism".
Ljungby Church
Our first industries in Ljungby were a tannery and a dye works. There was also an organ manufacturer started by a man called Elfström who was to be the best organ manufacturer in the country. When my Katrina remarried and moved to Hamneda she might have used the steam boat carrying both people and goods from there to Ljungby and back. It was later replaced by railway. When the railway was first opened in 1878 the King was here to speak at the opening ceremony.
I would like to quote a few lines from the criminal code used in our court here in Sunnerbo, in efffect in 1877. It gives you a picture of circumstances confining our lives. It is a quote about observing the Sabbath:
"If anyone on a Sunday or on another festival day between 6 am and 9 pm is occupied with handicraft or other job's which can be postponed will be punished with fines, at the most 20 rix dollars, if it is not done because of your own or somebodys bare necessities of life."
For many of the emigrants, being free to believe in God in the way they wanted, without the intervention of priests and accompanying church hierarchy, was one of the reasons behind choosing to leave what was well known and hope for a new future across the ocean. My two sons and one of my girls chose to do so as I will tell you about later. I have come to realize that amazingly the immigrants re-established a similar spiritual system again in their new home land. Changing a habit is not easy. From my vantage point up here the major enticement was the possibility of being land owners in a very short timeline.
Until next time, yours sincerely
Göran Danielsson.
Ps. Do send me a mail or comment! You might have questions how I remember it all? You might like to know my sources? Don't worry all you people, my mind is sharp and my secretary knows exactly from where she gets the information. It might be incorrect anyway and if you would like to help, feel free to get in touch. Life is not perfect. I might possibly use some speculation, cannot give any guarantees, but I will let you know when I am less reliable.
If my use of your native language is sometimes unclear, just guess how it would have been without the help of another Danielson with no equal living in Kanata, Canada. You all owe him gratitude and St Peter up here will certainly be informed about his language corrections to make this blog more readible.
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