Dear readers,
Although I cannot be with you any longer my family will. Five year after my departure, life looked like this for my wife and my kids:
Although I cannot be with you any longer my family will. Five year after my departure, life looked like this for my wife and my kids:
Göran's son #1, Oscar with family.
In 1875 my oldest son Oscar was a grown up man of 29. He had met a girl by the name of Carolina, the daughter of Simon från Landbo-farm in Dragaryd, not far away from Hovdinge but in the parish of Kånna. Her name was shortened to Lina and she was a year younger than her husband to be. They married in the church of Kånna the 23rd of June in 1871 when Oscar was 25. What I know is that they lived in Näs, a village closer to Ljungby from our point of view in Hovdinge, about four kilometres from our home. I guess they moved back when my wife Katrina remarried and moved to Hamneda.God blessed my wife Katrina with grandchildren, at first in 1872 (11th May) when another Göran was born! I am grateful for the honour of lending him my name. His second name was Algot and when he later moved on to America it was easier to be called something else, more easily pronounced, so he chose the name John. But in 1875 he was only three years old and knew nothing about crossing the Atlantic. As he was the son of Oscar, his family name was Oscarsson. Below a close-up from around 1890 when he was 18 years old.
Goran Algot Oscarsson (aka John Oscarson)
The second grandchild came in 1873, 21st of December. Quite a christmas present... He was given the name Salomon Edward Oscarsson and when he too later left for the states he was known there as Solomon Ed Oscarson. On the picture below he would be around 17 years old.
Salomon Edward Oscarsson (aka Ed Oscarson)

Oscar and Carolina Goranson's family ca 1890
Göran's son #2, August.
August was a young man of 25 in 1875, having moved to Helsingborg in the south of Sweden in 1872. We know he did his military service which might have had the duration of three years and it might have been because of that he had moved south.
Goran's daughters, Emma, Lotta & Maria.
My wife Katrina remarried as I told you earlier, with a man from Håå Storegård, that is the big farm of Håå in the parish of Hamneda, south of Ljungby. Our three girls moved together with their mum and in 1875 Emma was 21, Lotta was 17 and Maria was 11. In 1877 they moved on to Berghem in the parish of Kånna, first to Bergsgård and later to Västregård.
So, in retrospect rather a lot happened during these five years since I left this earth, don't you think? Have a good day, yours friendly Göran Danielsson.
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