17 Nov 2010

Hulda and Caleb, my daughter Maria's youngest.

Hi down there,

To start with today, a picture of my youngest grandkids. The youngest of them, Caleb and Hulda, were born in 1901 and 1903. As I told you earlier, Hulda left for America in 1923 when she was 20 years old to join her older sisters and brothers. In April 1921, this picture below was taken. From left to right in the back row, Ruth and Hulda. From to left to right in front, Hanna and Caleb. Ruth, Hanna and Caleb stayed in Sweden.

Johansson Children ca April 1921
Back row L-R Ruth , Hulda Front L-R Hanna, Caleb.

Caleb was born in Bolmaryd Norregård in Nöttja 24th of July 1901. He was left in a crib with bars at the photographers, being not more than a couple of years old which he doesn't seem very happy about.

Caleb's career started with work on roads, peat mosses and saw mills. He worked with an axe in ground frost and was struck with TB on his lungs. He became a farmer in his thirtees when he rented land together with his brother Simon at a place called Södra Vare in the near of Alvesta. Thereafter he rented another farm on his own inHällorna in the parish of Hamneda and finally bought himself a farm in Hovdinge where his mother Maria was born. Maria and her husband Carl Petter Johansson stood surety for a friend with their own home. It ended with bankruptcy and Caleb therefore bought his parents a new home, called the home of peace - Fridhem. It was situated in Ryssby, east of Ljungby.

In Hovdinge Caleb started farming in 1946 with the help of his sister Hanna before he met his Agnes Rydh. She became his wife in 1951.

Caleb and Agnes raised a family and called their children Britt-Marie, born in 1953 and Key-Göran, born in 1955.

Warm greetings from my heavenly place,
yours sincerely

Goran Danielsson.

My daughter Maria's children

Dear ones,

Keeping track of my great grandkids is a huge task even if they are no longer running along but are maturing both in body and mind. I guess that one of the youngest of them all is the husband of my secretary. He is 55 years of age and still busy farming parts of his ancestor's land. Happily, judged by this picture below. His father Caleb, the youngest son of my daughter Maria was also farming the same land and is seen on the picture above.

And who knows what lies ahead. The fifth generation is still too young to take over:

My secretary is busy studying old documents which was found in a secret compartment of a chest of drawers. It was contracts of sale and estate inventories from the village of Hovdinge, dated back as far as 1837. On one of the documents the judge of the village, "häradsdomaren", had signed his name. And guess who that was!?! His name was Daniel Olofsson and he was my father, born in 1793, in Göteryd, Sweden. Here is his signature from the document:

Warm blessings from above,

Goran Danielsson.