As your heavenly father, i e your great grandfather in heaven, I would like to move on to those of you who are still here on earth. My secretary is waching over you now living with loving care and insists that only first names are published and no pictures without permission.
To sum up this story about my life and my kids I will begin with the youngest of my great grandkids.
Therefore, may I again present Hulda who was born in 1903 in Angelstad in the south area of Sweden called Småland. When she was 20 years old in 1923 she went to Rockford, Illinois from her home in Ryssby, Sweden, never to see her parents again. My secretary found this information about Carlsson, Hulda Debora in a database called Emihamn.
As you can see on the photo above Hulda married Hjalmar Johnson 6th July 1929 and raised a family in Rockford, Illinois. They had three kids, Robert (born 1930), Richard (born 1933) and Lucille (born 1936). In the Summer of 1964 Hulda went back to visit her brother Caleb in Sweden. Hulda's daughter Lu continued to write to her uncle and family in Sweden just like her mother before her. Thanks to her they are still in touch. I must admit that I as a great grandfather therefore tend to have some favourites, sinning is still possible up here I am afraid.
In 1985 Hulda's daughter Lu and her husband Harland came from Wisconsin to Hovdinge with Lu's nephew Peter. In 1990 Peter's father Dick came from Rockford, Illinois, to see his relatives. Cousins from Sweden repaid the visit, for example in 2004 when this picture is taken in Florida:

If anyone of you descendants of Hulda, like Stephen and Peter, Mary Vera and Margaret, Pierce, Skip and Brian, Dallas, Gray and Nick or Sarah and Clint would not mind to take part with a photo, please connect with my secretary at goran.danielsson@ljungby.nu
Finally a greeting in Swedish from my beloved descendant who still remembers his mother's tongue!
God bless, with love Goran Danielsson.